Monday, January 28, 2008

A Good Girl

So over the past few weeks I have had the oppertunity t rekindle an old friendship. Its easy to see why this kid is my best friend. After months of no communication we picked up a little ahead of where we left off. We have both had struggles and triumphs that have forged character and paced our lives. One topic in particular is of strong mutual interest. This topic is eternal marriage. We have both reaped the fruits of the provo dating scene for quite sometime only to still feel empty. Date after date we meet talk and entertain, all in an effort to find "the one", but finding a mass of the same charicteristics in each girl. These characteristics generally include an overifatuation with self, a lack of life vision, emphasis placed on things which "moth and rust doth corrupt", and a semi hypicritical gospel practice that preaches obedience but misses application of the plain and precious parts. So my question is, Do good girls really exist? And if so, Where are they to be found? Ive looked everywhere. But finding one of the"good" ones is like andre the giant trying to put on a size 2 dress. Try all you like it just aint gonna happen. Please help out. Any commentary would be well apreciated. An to any girls reading this Im not saying your bad, I just havent dated you and if I have dated you, then yeah i am saying your bad.


Lizi Dorff said...

I think this is an opinion that, if flipped, stretches across the gender boundaries; all of the good guys are taken too!

Skooter said...

I disagree completely with that last comment, but agree one hundred percent with you post. It truly expresses my feelings in words that I probably would never be able to find.

Keith McKay said...

I think there are plenty of righteous people that one could make a happy marriage out of. Call me unromantic, but I'm thoroughly convinced that if I wanted to badly enough, I could get along with almost any young lady and make a marriage work. Another thought: I know this often doesn't correlate, but if the only girls I'm looking for are the ones that look like Jessica Alba's sister, I may be missing plenty of the "good girls" that just don't happen to look like they belong on the cover of a magazine.

BA said...

I think there are plenty of fish in the sea and the fishing here is as good as it gets. No complaints here. My problem is deciding what I want.

Courtney said...

Josh, I found your blog pretty ironic after your comments in class about how profoundly Pres. Hinkley's talk, "Living worthy of the girl you will someday marry," affected you since he stresses to focus on refining yourself in preparation instead of looking to change the girls. From your comments in class, it is clear that you are very opinionated and I might suggest that you scare off the "good girls" of whom you seek, perhaps particularly those who like Oprah. :) My advice is found in that very talk, to "look for the virtues in one another and not the vices." I hope you're not offended by this, and just take it as my observation as a girl.

Fishball said...

Just quit looking. The good ones aren't to be found, for they will find their way to you. Patience is a virtue my friend, and if it is virtue you seek, you must first exercise that virtue.

alyssa said...

its kinda funny to think that everyone is having this very problem right now. all i can say to you is that maybe you aren't looking in the right places or maybe its just not the right time. what i have come to realize is that as long as you are doing what you need to with your life right now you really have nothing to worry about. just remember to give everyone a chance and never burn any bridges because you never know who could be of help to you. it is funny because i find that in the times that i am looking and hoping to find such a "great" guy those are the times that i never do. just make sure not to settle and you will for sure be rewarded in the end.

Shannon said...

For psychology I did a project on attraction. Over and over again studies were saying that people are attracted/date/marry people like themselves. My suggestion is get to know people before you ask them on dates, that way you won't be dissapointed when their beauty doesn't reflect their 'virtues'. which should go along with yours?

gibonator said...

Well, this sounds like a pretty heated argument, but over-all I would have to agree that you just gotta be patient and she'll come to you. But some of those comments really got a laugh out of me. Especially Courtney's.

jsharendt said...

I think alot of assumptions have been made here. One Keith thinks Im focused on finding a "hottie", not true but I do want someone Im attracted to which is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. And what the heck Courtney, calm down! I didnt say anything about wanting to change a girl. Im doing all in my power to refine myself to make me worthy of "a good girl" dont think that Im not. I look for virtue but Im not about to buckel down with a vicicious girl. And to what shannon said, well Dating is the process by which we get to know each other. We have been discouraged from "hanging out" plus Ive found a persons true colors come out after 4-6 dates anyway. You have to date to get to know.

Courtney said...

Hey Josh, I assure you that I was perfectly calm at the time that I commented. Its just a little unsettling to hear you talk about Provo girls like they are all the same. Anyway, I'm not trying to argue with you, and don't want to make this into a debate. I just hoped that you would take my opinion into consideration.